Nose Dive

  • Why Is Perfume Not Vegan?

    Why Is Perfume Not Vegan?

    Why is perfume not always vegan? That’s an interesting question. You would imagine that a beauty product such as perfume would be made with natural, cruelty-free products. However this is not always the case, strangely enough. Why is perfume not...

  • Oud, a fragrance with ancient significance and modern appeal

    Oud, a fragrance with ancient significance and modern appeal

    The rich and intriguing fragrance of is prized across the world and has recently grown in popularity in the west. Oud has complex notes of oriental wood and smoke with spicy floral undertones. It is unusually long-lasting on the skin and it...

  • Meet Dom De Vetta

    Meet Dom De Vetta

    Curious about the man behind Shay & Blue? Every perfume house has a conductor whose challenge it is to harmonise the cacophony of fragrance available. Often that harmony is shaped by experience, and for no one is that more true...

  • In our archives - Dom De Vetta on Starting Shay & Blue

    In our archives - Dom De Vetta on Starting Shay & Blue

    Dom speaks to Centurion Magazine about starting Shay & Blue in 2012.
  • All About Veganuary

    All About Veganuary

    If you haven't heard of Veganuary then you clearly don't have any social media! Veganuary is a month long challenge where you simply challenge yourself to eat vegan for the month. For lots of people after the month is over...

  • The Growth Of Vegan Beauty

    The Growth Of Vegan Beauty

    As you probably know by now January is Veganuary, a month where lots of people sign up and try to eat a vegan diet for a month. As a brand with entirely vegan products this is of course something we...


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