• Home Fragrance 101

    Home Fragrance 101

    Your space is more important now than it has ever been. With a majority of us spending 24/7 in our homes is is key that the areas we are in bring us as much happiness as possible. Switching up the...

  • Halloween Makeup Looks Perfect For Your Next Zoom Call

    Halloween Makeup Looks Perfect For Your Next Zoom Call

    We've all been there, your 9th zoom call of the week and its only Wednesday so why not make things a bit more interesting? With halloween coming up its time to have some fun with your look, take some inspiration...

  • Second Hand September

    Second Hand September

    The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. It is responsible for climate change, carbon emission, and plastic pollution. Only in the US, an average citizen throws away 37kg of clothes every year, 85% of which...

  • Why is perfume not always vegan?

    Why is perfume not always vegan?

    Why is perfume not all vegan, you ask? Because most perfumes contain some sort of animal-derived ingredient and while they may not have necessarily been obtained through cruel means, their inclusion automatically voids the perfume of its vegan, animal-free status.


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